13 July 2009

Nýir (gamlar) myndir frá 1981. (New (old) pictures from 1981).

I've been in recent contact with a former missionary who served in Iceland back in 1981. His name is Grant Grow. He served most all of his mission in Denmark but, at the request of the mission president there, he agreed to extend his mission to serve an extra six months in Iceland. He finally tracked down his mission photos, scanned a bunch and sent them to me. These are a few of them. Grant is in the first picture, missionary Mike DeYoung is in the second picture with Halldór Hansen and an unidentified woman. The last picture is of Orell Anderson and an unknown scantily clad statue.


orell said...

Þetta er mynd frá 1980, ekki 1981. Eitt af uppáhalds myndunum mínum eftir seint trúboði Grant Grow. Grant og ég gekk í gegnum þessa bronsmynd daglega í meira en sex mánuði þegar við yfirgáfu heimili Haldors til að hefja daginn. Báðir voru góðir og stórar menn. Ég er mest glaður fyrir að hafa verið kallaður til að þjóna hér á landi. Í dag (16. nóvember 2018) hefur Ísland tekið á sig miklu mismunandi sjálfsmynd sem ferðamannastaður í heimi. Ég mun taka fjölskyldu mína þar í næsta júní með von um að hafa einn daginn með hitastigið brýtur 60 gráður. ;) ~ Orell

Unknown said...


Good to hear from you on this post. I haven’t posted anything there for about a decade. Love all those pictures I posted though….

Darron Allred

orell said...

Haha. Yes. Time goes on with or with out us Darron. Kind regards, Orell

Unknown said...

Yep, and now Ty Erickson and his wife have just returned from their 18 month mission to Iceland. Ty is the first missionary to return to Iceland to serve a senior couple mission with his wife having already served a mission there when younger. Now that second has just arrived: Bret Leifson.