On Friday night I gave a lecture on the history of the settlement of Iceland and the development of religion there since the settlement. Basic summary of the lecture:
870 - 930 A.D. - Settlement period in Iceland
870 - 999/1000 A.D. - Paganism ruled in the land
999/1000 A.D. - Catholicism replaced Paganism as the religion of the land at the "request" of the King of Norway who was a Christian convert
1551 - Lutheranism becomes the state religion after the beheading of a few Iceland Catholic leaders who were against the idea.
1551 - present - Lutheranism is the State religion
1850 - Two Icelanders hear of the restored gospel while in Denmark in school and are converted
1851 - First two baptized Icelanders return to Iceland as missionaries
1854 - 1914 - Four hundred and ten Icelanders emigrate to the U.S. after joining the Church.
1914 - 1974 - All formal LDS missionary work and immigration of Saints halted
1975 - Formal missionary work begins again in Iceland through Byron & Melva Geslison
From 1851 to 1914, a total of 22 Icelanders were called to return to their home countries after having emigrated to serve missions in Iceland. Since the missionary work resumed in 1975, a total of 167 young missionaries have served missions in Iceland, along with 24 senior couples.
On Saturday in the city park in Spanish Fork, all the western Icelanders and a smattering of returned missionaries showed up for the festivities. I got to eat a few Icelandic hot dogs, thanks to Rick Mathews. I took pictures of all the returned missionaries who were there for your viewing pleasure:
All in all, it was a fun weekend. So many good people living in Utah who are of Icelandic descent and who love their Icelandic heritage. Happy to be a part.